Weekly Bulletin
The Rotary Club of Murray Bridge gathers at the Bridgeport Hotel
2 Bridge St, Murray Bridge on Tuesday evenings

Fellowship from 6.00pm with Dinner starting at 6.15pm.

Apologies or guests to be notified to Jacquie Best by 12pm Monday
0409 377 343

The Four-Way Test
 1.  Is it the TRUTH?
 2.  Is it FAIR to all concerned?
 4.  Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
Jan 07, 2025 6:00 PM
Committee Meetings


Topic: Committee Meetings

VENUE: Bridgeport Hotel

Speaker: Directors

Chairperson: President Jenny Alexander-Walters

Fellowship & Invocation: Roxanne Rowland

Reserve: Lesley Murray

Sergeant: John Scarvelis

Jan 14, 2025 6:00 PM
Dinner at Hotel Calendar sponsors – social evening supporting Calendar sponsor
Jan 21, 2025 6:00 PM
Jan 28, 2025 6:00 PM
Rotary Awareness Night at the Imperial football club
Feb 04, 2025 6:00 PM
Foundation Night - Global Grants
View entire list

Upcoming Events
Rhyme -Grind-Climb
Jan 18, 2025
5:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Swap Meet
Feb 16, 2025 5:00 am
View entire list

  What's happening on our Facebook page


Happy New Year to everyone also I do hope you had a wonderful Christmas. So much has happened in our household Christmas seems ages ago.

Ruth Frazer’s funeral was on the Friday after Christmas.  It was wonderful to see the large Rotary and Inner Wheel turnout to help celebrate Ruth’s long and very interesting life. 

The Frazer family have asked that anyone who attended the funeral and would like their names recorded in the Memorial Book, please email ruthfrazerfuneral@gmail.com with your names which will be added to the book..

This Friday just gone some Rotarians and family members met up at Government House.  Despite the reasonably hot weather we had a very enjoyable stroll around the grounds led by guides who spoke about the variety of trees, which provided wonderful shade and plants. The vegetable garden was to die for - Simon what were the egg plants like? The zucchini’s were extremely healthy and very big. The gardener is trying to grow one to beat the world record.

Afterwards we retired to the Strathmore Hotel for a wonderful lunch, more talking and laughter.  Thank you, Lyn Sickerdick for arranging this, it was a wonderful idea.  Maybe the next trip could be going around Government House?

Rob and I took several of our grandchildren to Monarto Safari Park.  Despite the incredible crowds and the heat we managed to get to see Burma the Asian Elephant. She did look a bit lonely but another four elephants are arriving throughout this year. Her keepers from New Zealand were sitting near her keeping her company. Rob was suitably impressed by the rather large earthworks being undertaken to complete the elephant enclosure.

Our first meeting is this coming Tuesday and is Committee meetings.  We have a very busy six months coming up.  Looking forward to seeing you all.

Happy Birthday To Us!

The following was received on 23rd December.

Dear President Jennifer Alexander-Walters , 

This is Suren Poruri, Rotary Volunteer- Global Grants, RI District 3150, from India.

Your rotary club of Murray Bridge was chartered on 23/12/1953, which is today. Your club completed 71 years service today in RI District 9510 in serving the communities across the world . 

I would like to extend my warm wishes to you and to all your club members on this joyous moment.

Rotary is the only organization which has global foot print and is working towards happy communities across the world with it's noble initiatives.

Thanks to our rotary club founder Rtn Paul Harris, we are able to make a difference in the communities where we live.

Polio eradication is our biggest achievement where many people are living a normal life with our investment of 3 Billion dollars in last 40 years

Another big success of Rotary was we played critical role in formation of United Nations in writing its charter with 12 rotary members in 1945.  

Rotary clubs across the world executes service projects worth 2 billion dollars every year in their communities. Rotarians gives 25 million volunteer hours to their communities across the world every year. 

Thanks and regards

Suren Poruri

Christmas Meeting 2024

Members and friends gathered at the Imperial Football Clubrooms to celebrate the Christmas season.
Thanks to the support of the Club Service Committee for assisting in the preparation and service of the food. In particular, we thank John Whimpress and his elves for all of the organising and cooking. This was most appreciated by all.
A highlight of the evening was the arrival of Father Christmas who distributed gifts to the children. Well done Santa!
A fitting finale was the musical performance by our members and the singing of carols.

Below are some thoughts from the Regional Council

Does our club want to better meet the needs of our current and prospective members, better represent the community we serve, or provide a more inclusive club experience?

Adopting flexible membership and meeting options can help us attract new audiences, diversify our club, and make our members more engaged.

Read on to learn about the three key tactics our club can use to become more flexible!

Offer alternative membership types

By offering alternative types of membership, you can attract members who traditionally were unable or unwilling to join a Rotary club due to factors such as cost and time commitment. Such people could include busy professionals or people with young families.

These are some types of alternative membership options:

Or we can create our own membership type to meet the specific needs of our members!

Each type of membership can have its own policies on dues, attendance, and service expectations, which must be documented in our club bylaws. Rotary will count these people as members of our club if they pay Rotary International dues and are reported as active members in My Rotary.

Change your meeting format

By changing how and where you club meets, you can make your meetings more fun and engaging, and more inclusive for members who can’t attend traditional meetings.

Your club can meet in person or online, alternate between the two, or offer a hybrid meeting.

You can also change the format of your in-person meetings from the traditional meal and speaker to include service projects, leadership development, committee meetings and social gatherings. Some clubs even rotate where and how they meet!

For more information, download the start guide for flexible meeting formats.

Relax attendance requirements / reduce meeting frequency

These simple measures can make it easier for members with busy schedules to participate to your club in ways that are meaningful to them.

By focusing less on attending meetings, your members can contribute in other ways such as working on a service project, adopting a leadership role, or updating your club’s social media channels.

If your club meets in some way at least twice per month, you’ll meet Rotary International’s meeting requirements.


17th 24th December

Draw Date
       Winning No.
Sold by
          Mary Rosenberg
Murray Bridge
K. Prosser
           Meg Maxwell
Murray Bridge
L. Baker
          Donna Ytsma
Murray Bridge
L. Baker
Draw Date
         Winning No.
Sold by
    James Withers
    Piper Newblack
Aberfoyle Park
D. Scerrie
    Elise Hams
Woods Point

Object of Rotary

The Object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and, in particular, to encourage and foster:

  • FIRST: The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service;
  • SECOND: High ethical standards in business and professions; the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations; and the dignifying of each Rotarian’s occupation as an opportunity to serve society;
  • THIRD: The application of the ideal of service in each Rotarian’s personal, business, and community life;
  • FOURTH: The advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service.

Birthdays & Anniversaries
Member Birthdays
Jacquie Best
January 28
John Scarvelis
January 28
Spouse Birthdays
Les Baker
January 14
Peter Phillips
January 25
Rhonda LeGallez
January 27
Samuel Cozens
Elizabeth Cozens
January 5
Lesley Murray
Steve Murray
January 12
Peter Seals
Suzann Seals
January 16
Join Date
Don McLean
January 4, 2005
20 years
Lesley Murray
January 31, 2016
9 years

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