This week's notes will come as a surprise to President Jenny!
It was a pleasure to have been in the chair for last week's meeting and to hear from PP Sally Willoughby speak with passion about the need to raise awareness and urge action in relation to Domestic Violence. Following the meeting there was a short Board meeting where it was decided to donate $500 toward the cause.
This week is Committee meeting night.
Robin LeGallez Vice President
Say NO to Domestic Violence
Sally Willoughby from the Rotary Club of Mobilong presented to our club last Tuesday evening on saying NO to Domestic Violence and the 2024 Walk for Respect. Last year 40 Rotary Clubs from Adelaide and the Country Regions, including three from the Murraylands, walked to help raise awareness. The walk gives a voice to those affected, raises awareness and has been useful in enabling continued conversations. Local government, State and Federal Governments have now become involved with funding to tackle social, cultural and family issues with staff and resources. Domestic Violence is prevelant across society in all socio economic groups, has always been present but hidden. Please join us at the Victoria Square 10am start Saturday 14th September to walk to the Elder Park Rotunda. Register to walk free A peaceful parade, to educate and increase awarness in the South Australian community. Help us make the change. John Scarvelis
3rd September
Draw Date
Winning No.
Sold by
Carolyn Kilpatrick
Murray Bridge
J. Phillips
Cottage Box Chocolates
Murray Bridge
Sally Gray
Murray Bridge
Bridge P & Quilters
Photo taken with Samsung mobile phone - Kalbari Nat Park
Scam Awareness!
It is scam awareness week!
We recently had a presentation from Sergeant David Brown regarding cyber crime and safety.
He explained that $2.74 billion was taken from Australians due to these common scams:
- investments
- remote access
- romance
- phishing
- payment redirection
If you would like more information, the Murray Bridge Crime Prevention Section will be hosting ‘coffee with a cop’ at the Murray Bridge marketplace on Tuesday 3 September between 10.30am and 11.30am for a free coffee and a chat with a cop.
An update in relation to our two girls who were funded by our Club to repair a cleft palet and cleft lip
Review for WIP71 - Nani and WIP79 Sabrina at Sandakan Hospital by Dr Kent.
Nani all good for a year till 2025 Aug.
Sabrina - will be having her palate on 4th Dec 2024
Object of Rotary
The Object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and, in particular, to encourage and foster:
FIRST: The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service;
SECOND: High ethical standards in business and professions; the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations; and the dignifying of each Rotarian’s occupation as an opportunity to serve society;
THIRD: The application of the ideal of service in each Rotarian’s personal, business, and community life;
FOURTH: The advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service.
Rotary Work Shirts
Darryl Webb has arranged with Grandisons to supply Bisley Rotary work shirts in various configurations.
Please visit Grandisons and select your shirt which will then be embroided with our Club logo.
Pay for the shirt and retain your receipt.
Upon presentation of the receipt to Sam Cozens, you will be reimbursed $20 as a subsidy
What's happening on our Facebook page
John Scarvelis has been posting up a storm with some great content.