Rotary Foundation Meeting 12th February 2019

During the past 100 years, the Foundation has spent $3 billion on life-changing, sustainable projects.
With your help the Rotary Foundation can make lives better in your community and around the world.
Rotary is a worldwide organisation that has the vision to focus upon 6 obvious basic human needs, providing sustained assistance to meet present and ongoing respite for our fellow community members caught up in a cycle of poverty.
Currently our district 9250 is looking after 2 brilliant young people who are preparing humanitarian projects through Rotary Foundation Global Scholarship Grants.
Dr Victoria Cox is a medical graduate from the University Of Adelaide, and is now about to commence a Post Graduate Degree at the University Of Oxford. Victoria's field of study is health care delivery to low socioeconomic areas.
Also joining us is Natsumi Oda, a young Graduate student from Japan. Natsumi will commence a Post Graduate Degree and Flinders University and her Host Club in Australia is the Rotary Club of Holdfast Bay. Natsumi's field of study is a Master of Social Work and Education.


Polio is a paralysing and potentially fatal disease that still threatens children in some parts of the world. Polio is spread through an invasive virus which contains a piece of nucleic code capable of copying itself and typically has a detrimental effect.
Polio is incurable but is completely vaccine preventable.
We have been near the end game for a number of years, but as longas one case of polio remains the virus is a significant threat.
For the first time in many years, 2019 has commenced for 1 month without any new cases of polio being reported.
There are now only three countries that have never stopped transmission of the wild polio virus - Afghanistan, Nigeria and Pakistan.
During the 1980's the world saw about 1000 cases of polio per day. During 2016 the world saw 37 polio cases for the whole year. This represents a 99.9% reduction.
Notes prepared and presented by Sam Cozens