Vocational Service
The underlying premises for Vocational Service is to:
- Encourage high ethical standards in business and professions.
- Recognise the worth of useful occupations.
- Celebrate the opportunities that Rotarians have to serve society through their occupations.
Here are a few avenues considered to be part of our Vocational Service program.
Some of these are already part of the Murray Bridge programme.
- Speakers on topics from the business world.
- Visiting workplaces..
- Technical seminars.
- Pride of Workmanship Award.
- Careers Expo.
- Job interview.
- Police Officer of the Year Award.
- Guest speakers on industrial relations.
- Men's Shed.
- Young Achievers Australia.
- Pride in business awards
There are over 30,000 Rotarians in Australia and their ethical behaviours can impact on the population at large.
- Honesty needs to be done and seen to be done.
- Courtesy is a recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations.
- Justice is about being treated fairly and respectfully.
- Understanding in a multicultural population such as in Australia is at the core of living in harmony