Flinders Grant -web version
Music For Dementia Grant

Flinders Grant -web versionMusic For Dementia Grant“Our local Rotary Club of Murray Bridge, has used the project “Music for Dementia” under the guidance of Director Lyn Sickerdick, to seek out people in our community who are effected by the onset of dementia. This Project has been successful in finding recipients for the specially designed headsets with an inbuilt selection of music. Reports of how well this initiative has improved the well being of many who have used this music therapy, has led to a request for Rotarian Roger Wickes to seek further funds for this Project through Flinders University. A grant of $2000.00 is the outcome, and this will be used to extend the “Music for Dementia” service to many more deserving recipients.” Story by Sam Cozens, photo from Elspeth Radford. ![]() |
Rotary RecyclesRotary Recycles Project![]() On Saturday 3rd of December we distributed 240 kitchen caddys free to the general public at the Murray Bridge Market Place whilst also selling 2023 Rotary Calendars. If you missed out on a caddy , you can pick one up from the Local Government Centre in Murray Bridge free. For further information, visit Rotary Recycles HERE The page seeks to provide a single access page to help households and businesses locate appropriate ways to recycle waste or items no longer required. Please investigate the various headings and help us help our planet. ![]() |
Ambrose Golf 2022![]() |
Youth Homelessness in the MurraylandsYouth Homelessness in the Murraylands get a Helping HandBankSA Foundation have donated $67,000 to Habitat for Humanity and the Sammy D FoundationClose to 200 young people are homeless or at risk of being homeless in the Murraylands region each day. Recognising the increased needs of at-risk youth, BankSA Foundation have granted more than $67,000 to Habitat for Humanity and the Sammy D Foundation which are both focused on helping young people in need. $25,000 was also donated to ac.care's Studio Purpose project. Ac.care Murrayland's homelessness service manager, Thanuja Hiripitiyage said rising rental prices are a factor in young people struggling to find stability. "Sadly, the shortage of available emergency and public housing, together with rising prices for private rentals, have left many youths priced out of affordable housing," Ms Hiripitiyage said. "This has left some young people couch surfing, staying with friends or family, but not having any stability or security from which to build a better future. "Purpose built accommodation, together with the support provided by ac.care and our Studio Purpose project, will provide a vital new option in Murray Bridge to accommodate young people and help them develop independence." BankSA Foundation chairman, David Firth, said the grants would help provide support services for young people at a critical time in their lives. "Young people can be particularly vulnerable when faced with challenges, and over the past year many have struggled to cope as the way we live has changed," Mr Firth said. "BankSA Foundation recognises that young people need support in both the school environment and when living in the community, particularly with higher youth unemployment rates against a backdrop of unpredictability and change. "If we can help by providing funding for much-needed services, it can create clearer pathways and brighter futures. "By supporting projects such as Habitat for Humanity's Studio Purpose, we'll also see a flow-on effect in the Murraylands community through increased work for trades, the purchase of building materials and overall community participation from volunteers donating time to help." Executive director for Habitat for Humanity, Ben Sarre said the split donation from the Bank SA Foundation will help the charity immensely. "We received $25,000 and we'll be using those funds directly in the construction phase of Studio Purpose," Sarre said. "We're a charity, but also a licensed builder. Our role is to manage the upfront refurbishment of the units, which has been an unfunded part of the project. "In order to make sure we can pay for the construction phase we use fundraising. "There's materials, trade labour, and local contractors that we're engaged in, so that is where the $25,000 Bank SA Foundation donation will go toward." If there is any young person struggling at the moment, there is help for you in the Murraylands. "Our doors are always open to all country South Australians who may find themselves in a vulnerable situation and need assistance," Ms Hiripitiyage said. "We provide homelessness, emergency relief, financial counselling and other services to assist and services tailored specifically to the needs of young people. "Anyone can visit our office at 29 Bridge Street to speak to our welcoming staff or call us on 1300 ACCARE (1300 222 273)." |
Golf Lifts The LidGolf "Lifts The Lid"The Rotary Club of Murray Bridge held its second annual 2 person Ambrose Golf Day at the Murray Bridge Golf Club on Thursday 25th March. The main aim was to raise funds for “Lift the Lid” mental health research through Australian Rotary Health. The golf event was also about promoting the game of golf, the camaraderie of playing the game with one’s mates, walking or riding around the golf course, enjoying the fresh air and having some fun. All of which assists one’s mental health. We also wished to support the Murray Bridge Golf Club. ![]() |
Christmas Breakfast 2020Christmas in Murray Bridge![]() Christmas breakfast at the Scarvelis's in Murray Bridge with the Rotary Club of Murray Bridge starting at 7am so that those that had to go to work could get away on time. The Rotarians enjoyed the company of some of the younger families of the Murraylands Multicultural Network. Freshly stewed apricots were on the menu with cornflakes or and milk if desired along with bacon, eggs, tomatoes, hash browns, tea or coffee, orange juice and apple juice. A beautiful Murray Bridge morning.
New Year 2021![]() |
NYSF - Dr Melanie Bagg |
Members Action PageRotary Club of Murray Bridge Action Page![]() We are currently in uncertain times but the needs of our community have not diminished but increased. This page presents an opportunity for you to make comments or suggestions for our Club to act upon. Whilst meetings are suspended, the work of Rotary MUST proceed. Visit https://www.murraybridgerotary.org.au/Stories/members-action-page and login to leave a comment. Thanks to those members who have already commented Comments are now able to be left on this page to enable you to make suggestions regarding needs in our community whilst our regular meetings are suspended. |
RAWCS BushfireSouth Australian Bushfire Relief Fund |
Rotary Youth Art Show 2019![]() |
High Tea 2019High Tea![]() The Hamlin Fistula Hospital in Ethiopia is a life changing medical organisation surrounded by love. Since being established in 1974 by Drs Catherine and Reg Hamlin, over 60,000 women have been surgically treated to correct birthing injuries, returning these women to their villages and families, their health and dignity restored. Recently charity organisations in Murray Bridge took part in a High Tea occasion to raise funds to support the work of the Hamlin Fistula Hospital. Guest speaker Rose Dahlitz has visited the Fistula Hospital in Addis Ababa, and she spoke about the ongoing dedication of the medical staff, and their helpers to ensure help for those suffering this horrible condition. A more recent service provided by the Hospital is to train midwives with the ultimate aim to eradicate the occurrence of obstetric fistulas through medical services provided at local community centres throughout Ethiopia. The fund raising event was arranged by the Rotary Club of Murray Bridge, with representatives from Inner Wheel, Christ Church Lutheran, Kiwanis, Lions, Holy Cross Lutheran, and Soroptomists. The audience was treated to delicious sandwiches without crusts, an astonishing array of decorated cakes, a competition based on the knowledge of teas, all enjoyed with sparkling wine and real tea. ![]() Story by Sam Cozens ![]() |
Ambrose Golf 2019Ambrose A Big Hit![]() ![]() A total of 42 golfers from 11 Golf Clubs participated in the event, with a shotgun start at 12.30pm. Some were Rotarians, many were not. Many of the competitors had never played at the Murray Bridge Golf Club, so, in effect, we were promoting the Golf Club too.
The Rotary Club thanks its sponsors for the Tournament, Drakes Supermarket Murray Bridge, Dynacast Golf Group, Aussie Apricots and the Rural City of Murray Bridge. At the end of the day’s play, the Rotary Club provided a bbq meal for the players. From the survey conducted at the end of the day’s play, the majority of the players said that they enjoyed the fellowship of their playing partners and the quality of the golf course. Many players indicated that they would be keen to return next year and play in the event again. ![]() Winners for the Tournament were Rotarian Malcolm Blight and Lloyd Norrish, with runners-up, Peter Phillips and Grant Penrhyn. For further details contact Rob Walters 0429678579 or Jenny Phillips 0407239845 Story by Jenny Phillips |
4 Way Test![]() |
Ambrose Golf Tournament 2019![]() ![]() The Rotary Club of Murray Bridge in conjunction with the Murray Bridge Golf Club is holding a Two Person Ambrose Golf Competition to be held on 17th October 2019. |
What Is Rotary![]() |
GSE Intercity MeetingGSE Combined Dinner MeetingThe Group Study Exchange team will be addressing our combined dinner meeting on 19th March. All members throughout the Group 3 Clubs have been invited and it is imperative that you Purchase your ticket to this event ASAP. The evening will be a great occasion to learn about our friends from District 6040, Missouri USA. Cost of the evening is $40 per person and includes a two course meal. Please expect this to be a later evening than normal. Booking are available here Alternately speak to Robin LeGallez for assistance
Meeting Report 3295Rotary Foundation Meeting 12th February 2019During the past 100 years, the Foundation has spent $3 billion on life-changing, sustainable projects. With your help the Rotary Foundation can make lives better in your community and around the world. Rotary is a worldwide organisation that has the vision to focus upon 6 obvious basic human needs, providing sustained assistance to meet present and ongoing respite for our fellow community members caught up in a cycle of poverty. Currently our district 9250 is looking after 2 brilliant young people who are preparing humanitarian projects through Rotary Foundation Global Scholarship Grants. Dr Victoria Cox is a medical graduate from the University Of Adelaide, and is now about to commence a Post Graduate Degree at the University Of Oxford. Victoria's field of study is health care delivery to low socioeconomic areas. Also joining us is Natsumi Oda, a young Graduate student from Japan. Natsumi will commence a Post Graduate Degree and Flinders University and her Host Club in Australia is the Rotary Club of Holdfast Bay. Natsumi's field of study is a Master of Social Work and Education. END POLIO NOWPolio is a paralysing and potentially fatal disease that still threatens children in some parts of the world. Polio is spread through an invasive virus which contains a piece of nucleic code capable of copying itself and typically has a detrimental effect. Polio is incurable but is completely vaccine preventable. We have been near the end game for a number of years, but as longas one case of polio remains the virus is a significant threat. For the first time in many years, 2019 has commenced for 1 month without any new cases of polio being reported. There are now only three countries that have never stopped transmission of the wild polio virus - Afghanistan, Nigeria and Pakistan. During the 1980's the world saw about 1000 cases of polio per day. During 2016 the world saw 37 polio cases for the whole year. This represents a 99.9% reduction. Notes prepared and presented by Sam Cozens |
Paul Harris Fellow NominationsPaul Harris Fellow Nominations![]() Please provide in writing, an outline of why you consider this person is worthy of consideration for this Club honour. Nominations will be considered by the Board and please note that there is no guarantee that any nomination will be accepted. All nominations will be treated with strict confidentiality.
Wine Sales 2019Rotary Wine SalesWhat a great opportunity to sample our famous red wine. If you are needing a top up, email Ian and arrange remote collection. Perhaps there is a red lining to the COVID-19 cloud! The latest wine has now been labelled and is selling fast! Our Club is able to offer the exceptional Lake Breeze 2016 Cabernet Sauvignon for the unbelievably low investment of $120 per dozen.
To purchase simply pay in advance via EFTPOS or cash at a regular meeting and then arrange collection with Rotarian Ian Elston |
Great Shave Off |
Wine Labelling 2019Report on Meeting Number 3291Wine Labelling a "Breeze"The meeting of Tuesday 15th January was a great night with President David welcoming all and encouraged all to be part of the "Great Shave Off" by donating online and attending on the 16th February at the Lawn Tennis Clubrooms for a Trivia Night & be part of the "Great Shave Off". Following the meeting we adjourned to Ian Elston's to label our latest Rotary Wine. ![]() Teams of Rotarians and our guest Wharehoe Lissington were industrious and quickly labelled the wine and then had an opportunity to taste.
Swap Meet 2020Rotary Club of Murray Bridge SWAP MEET16th February 2020 Murray Bridge Showgrounds $5 entry per person Children under 14 - Free Gates open 6am Contact John 0428132889
Cadd-Solis Infusion PumpRotary donates a portable medication infusion pump to Hospital.![]() L to R David Altmann, Sharon Harrison, Kate Treloar, Kaye Hand, Natalie Rainsford, Vanessa Drummond and Sam Cozens. The Rotary Club of Murray Bridge donates a CADD-Solis Infusion Pump to the Murray Bridge Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital. Director of Nursing, Sharon Harrison accepts this smart pump from Rotary President David Altmann. These smart infusion pumps are programmed to safely deliver medication to patients in hospital, home care, and alternative care facilities. A key feature of this pump is that it allows the patient mobility while providing reliable, accurate medication delivery. Patient mobility has been shown to decrease recovery time, improved clinical outcomes, and reduction in length of hospital stays. Donations from local service clubs, and citizens help to maintain a very high level of patient care in our community hospital. Story from Sam Cozens |
Remembrance DayRemembrance Day 2018 - 100th AnniversaryAn article from Sam Cozens to Helen Peake as a member of the MBHS Staff ![]() Thank you on behalf of Elizabeth and myself, for the opportunity to share with the students of Murray Bridge High School, both at the impressive Remembrance ceremony at the School on Friday morning, and today at the “March across the Murray River” with the School Band and all the Year 9 students, to another impressive ceremony at the RSL headquarters today. The speakers at both events had very significant messages that related directly to the present and future responsibility of the students themselves, for their role in keeping the ongoing message alive when the present generation has passed on. Chris Tilley with his “hats story” had the students intrigued, and I am certain they understood that it was a message for them. The relation between the often awful role of military persons in preserving our way of life, was well stated and I believe understood by the students. This morning Bob Channon did very well with his recall of some very pertinent history of Murray Bridge itself during the period of World War II. I found RSL President David Laing’s address to the students this morning particularly moving. David involved the students in a very personal review of the changing need for our country to be involved in armed conflict with others, the ongoing effect of the involvement in such conflict, both for the warriors themselves and for a wide spectrum of people in the community. David particularly stressed the responsibility for successive generations to remember the awful cost of war, to remember the reasons for the sacrifice of individuals, and to actively seek ways to ensure that such conflicts should be strenuously avoided in the future. Congratulations Helen on your role in making the 100th Anniversary of Remembrance of WWI a special occasion for our local community, and for the opportunity for our community service organisation to be a part of this remembrance observance. I would be remiss if I do not remark upon the respectful behaviour displayed by our local Year 9 students this morning, and for the whole school assembly last Friday. This directly reflects the quality of what is occurring at our local school through the teaching staff. |
RDA Rotary Business Dinner 2018![]() ANNUAL MURRAYLANDS ROTARY BUSINESS DINNER DATE - 13th November 2018 WHERE - Murray Bridge Club TIME - 6:00pm - 9:00pm BE ENLIGHTENED by our special guest Australian journalist and television presenter, Pip Courtney, best known for her work as a reporter and host of the ABC series Landline. An expert panel of local business owners/operators will join our guest speaker sharing motivating stories of their challenges and successes. TICKET INCLUDES - Drink on arrival, 2 course meal, self service tea and coffee (all other drinks at own cost) Ticket cost is $35 PLACES ARE LIMITED PLEASE BOOK ASAP |
Book Relaunch![]() Your chance to secure these important books See Jim Mason NOW
Going Bush 20182017 Students receiving their certificates Going Bush 2018Going Bush With Rotary is happening again these coming September school holidays. Your support is urgently required to ensure students such as these receive a mentored break that has the potential to change their lives. Contact RALY Director Lyn with your donation which can be paid via EFTPOS at the next meeting.
MEW TranslocationMallee Emu Wren TranslocationMale Mallee Emu Wren – Weight approximately 6 grams – Photos by tom Hunt During 2014 wildfires swept across Ngarkat Conservation Park in SA, devastating the park and much of the wildlife. In particular, the already threatened Mallee Emu Wren became extinct in SA. These birds are particularly susceptible due to their preferred habitat (spinifex) needing to be many years old and to be quite expansive. After the fire the habitat was destroyed. Since then the spinifex has begun to regenerate to the point where it is now able to support the wrens. ![]() Enter the Rotary Club of Murray Bridge. In conjunction with the Federal Government, several universities, BirdLife Australia, Zoos SA, Zoos Victoria and the cooperation of government agencies across two states we have been part off a project to translocate emu wrens from the some parts of Victoria back into the Ngarkat park. Murray Bridge Rotary has been involved with research and identification of suitable habit in Wyperfeld National Park in Victoria and then some months ago in Hattah-Kulkyne / Murray Sunset, wrens were collected and transported to a new home in Ngarkat. At the time of you reading this my club is again in Murray Sunset / Hattah providing support for the translocation of another forty birds. In addition to members of the Rotary Club of Murray Bridge, we have been supported by the Rotary Club of Hallett Cove and community members from Adelaide & Strathalbyn. The first translocation has been highly successful and a high percentage on the birds still being sighted in Ngarkat. We look forward to continuing our support of this great environmental project. |
Mallee Emu Wren ReportLast weeks meeting was chaired by Robin LeGallez and our guest speaker was Luke Ireland. Luke spoke of the translocation project and the important role played by Rotary. |
The Cundy's Cool AdventureJim Cundy shared his latest COOL Adventure.This time to it was to SVALBARD and GREENLAND. A journey he shared with his wife Maria. ![]() |
Final Leg of The Federation TrailFirst Speaker of the 2018-2019 Rotary Year Chairman for the night Rotarian John Whimpress, introduced Mr Graham Hallandal whose topic was "The Final Leg of the Lavender Federation Trail" Graham is a local identity who was an active part of the business community in the area for many years and has been the recipient of a "Paul Harris Fellow" and a "4 Avenues of Service" Award through the Rotary Club of Mobilong. He is also a longstanding volunteer at Monarto Zoo and was named "2017 Citizen of the Year" at the Murray Bridge Australia day awards. Graham is a founding members of SARTI, The South Australian Recreation Trails Inc. Which is the Non-Profit Volunteer organisation that manages and has coordinate the completion of the "Lavender Federation Trail" |
Changeover Dinner![]() Rotary Club CelebratesThe Rotary Club of Murray Bridge celebrated the previous Rotary year on 30th June at the Bridgeport Hotel. Outgoing President Stephen Walker inspired those present with his insightful comments and then inducted David Altmann as the President for 2018-2019. Over 100 Rotarians, family & friends celebrated with David & Stephen as the Rotary Club of Murray Bridge awarded a Paul Harris Fellows to Ian Elston & a PFH Sapphire to Jenny Phillips. Rotarians Jim Mason, Ron Jericho & Peter MacCulloch received certificates acknowledging their long and valued service. A toast to Rotary International was proposed by Jenny Phillips and was responded to by District Governor Bob Cooper, Lesley Murray was part of a double act as she proposed a toast to partners followed by a response from partner Steve Murray. |